Thursday, March 3, 2016

Raychull Fierce (born October, 26, 1992) as Yarny from Coldwood Interactive Game's Unravel.
Raychull Fierce has done many cosplays but this one by far is one of my favorite gijinka's she's done.

Executing the essence of Yarny perfectly in her Cosplay Feature Video you quickly fall in love with this cosplayer. If you haven't heard or seen Unravel yet this video will get you interested.

Yarny is a story showing mostly that all of the ties and bonds we make as life goes on are and can be psychical (hence tying yarn to everything) It's a beautiful and moving game made by Martin Sahlin who most fell in love with at the 2015 E3 conference. Even Raychull Fierce herself said that is the moment she decided to showcase Yarny in her Cosplays.

If you're into photography, cosplay, or just in general funny personalities look no further. Raychull Fierce creates every piece of her content including all of the video shot for her yarny cosplay. It's almost insane how much detail and work she probably has to do to pull off the cosplays she does. It's truly admirable.

Raychull Fierce is an exceptional Cosplayer. I've seen her around recently quite a bit and I can say for certain that I've become a fan after this cosplay. I like to refer to cosplays I haven't seen before as "Sleeper Cosplays"and as far as I can tell (going by release dates) she is the first OP Yarny cosplay. Cordwood Interactive Gaming after seeing this cosplay backed Raychull Fierce for her yarny content.

In short this is a cosplayer you're going to want to watch. She seems to be coming up pretty quickly and every post I see of her fans meeting her seems to be over joyed. I love when people are just as great on film and in pictures as they are in real life. Showing genuine love to fans is just as important as the quality of your product.

Looking for more Yarny or Raychull Fierce? Here's all of her main Social Media. See if she'll be at a Comic Con near you she loves meeting fans and having fun. From the videos I've seen of fans meeting her she's hilarious and very loving. I hope to meet her someday soon too.

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1 comment:

  1. Hope you guys enjoy! Check out Raychull Fierce Cosplay
